- Pesquisar a biografia de um idolo. - Marcar a historia nacional ou internacional dessa pessoa - Indentificar onde e quando nasceram o que gostam que lingua falam; e que gostam e o que fazem (profissões etc..) - Pesquisar em objeto e falar sobre a invenção e inventor desse objeto - Relaçao entre a historia e seu uso.
Leia o texto a seguir para responder às cinco questões abaixo.
Niemeyer, Oscar (1907 – 2013)
Born in Rio de Janeiro – at the time, the capital city of Brazil – the architect studied at the National School of Fine Arts in Brazil began to work in the Office of Lúcio Costa in 1953. The following year, 1936, and for seven years, he was part of team that, in collaboration with Le Corbusier, was responsible for the design of the Ministry of Education and the Public Health Buildings of the capital (Rio de Janeiro). In 1939, still with Lúcio Costa, he designed the Brazilian Pavilion at the New York Fair. Later, he became the coordinator and chief architect responsible for the development of Brasília. A member of the Communist Party of Brazil, Niemeyer was forced into exile in France, 1964, due to the Brazilian political situation. He was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize in 1963. In 1970, he was awarded the Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architecture and, in 1988, he shared the Pritzker Artchitecture Prize with Gordon Bunshaft.
1. Qual tipo de texto é esse? a) Uma propaganda ( ) b) Uma biografia em um verbete de enciclopédia. ( ) c) Uma reportagem biográfica em um jornal ou revista ( ) d) Um cartão com os dados pessoais de uma pessoa. ( )
2. Justifique, em português, sua resposta para a questão 1.
3. Quantos anos Niemeyer tem hoje?
4. Onde Niemeyer estudou? a) National School of Fine Arts. ( ) b) Lúcio Costa ( ) c) Ministry of Education ( ) d) New York World Fair ( )
5. Um dos prêmios que Niemeyer recebeu em sua carreira foi: a) Le Corbusier ( ) b) Brazilian Pavilion ( ) c) Brasília ( ) d) Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architecture ( ) _______________________________________________________________________
Leia o texto a seguir para responder ás questões de 6 a 7.
A machine that is used for stitching cloth or other material together. The first sewing machine was invented in 1830 by Barthélemy Thimonnier , a tailor, in France. In the United States, Walter Hunt also invented a sewing machine in 1834, but did not patent it. Later, in 1846, the device was improved by another American, Elias Howe, whose business was not successful at first. Isaac M. Singer made small modifications in the machine and patented his improvements in 1851. His business became a success: his company sold 2,564 machines in 1856, and 13,000 in 1860.
6.Qual é esse tipo de texto? a.( )um anúncio publicitário. b.( )um texto informativo- descritivo. c.( )um verbete de enciclopédia. d.( )um manual de instruções. e.( )uma página da internet.
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
ResponderExcluir9° Ano A,B,D,E,F e 2°Ano H
ResponderExcluir- Pesquisar a biografia de um idolo.
- Marcar a historia nacional ou internacional dessa pessoa
- Indentificar onde e quando nasceram o que gostam que lingua falam; e que gostam e o que fazem (profissões etc..)
- Pesquisar em objeto e falar sobre a invenção e inventor desse objeto
- Relaçao entre a historia e seu uso.
Leia o texto a seguir para responder às cinco questões abaixo.
Niemeyer, Oscar (1907 – 2013)
Born in Rio de Janeiro – at the time, the capital city of Brazil – the architect studied at the National School of Fine Arts in Brazil began to work in the Office of Lúcio Costa in 1953. The following year, 1936, and for seven years, he was part of team that, in collaboration with Le Corbusier, was responsible for the design of the Ministry of Education and the Public Health Buildings of the capital (Rio de Janeiro). In 1939, still with Lúcio Costa, he designed the Brazilian Pavilion at the New York Fair. Later, he became the coordinator and chief architect responsible for the development of Brasília. A member of the Communist Party of Brazil, Niemeyer was forced into exile in France, 1964, due to the Brazilian political situation. He was awarded the Lenin Peace Prize in 1963. In 1970, he was awarded the Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architecture and, in 1988, he shared the Pritzker Artchitecture Prize with Gordon Bunshaft.
1. Qual tipo de texto é esse?
a) Uma propaganda ( )
b) Uma biografia em um verbete de enciclopédia. ( )
c) Uma reportagem biográfica em um jornal ou revista ( )
d) Um cartão com os dados pessoais de uma pessoa. ( )
2. Justifique, em português, sua resposta para a questão 1.
3. Quantos anos Niemeyer tem hoje?
4. Onde Niemeyer estudou?
a) National School of Fine Arts. ( )
b) Lúcio Costa ( )
c) Ministry of Education ( )
d) New York World Fair ( )
5. Um dos prêmios que Niemeyer recebeu em sua carreira foi:
a) Le Corbusier ( )
b) Brazilian Pavilion ( )
c) Brasília ( )
d) Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architecture ( )
Leia o texto a seguir para responder ás questões de 6 a 7.
A machine that is used for stitching cloth or other material together. The first sewing machine was invented in 1830 by Barthélemy Thimonnier , a tailor, in France. In the United States, Walter Hunt also invented a sewing machine in 1834, but did not patent it. Later, in 1846, the device was improved by another American, Elias Howe, whose business was not successful at first. Isaac M. Singer made small modifications in the machine and patented his improvements in 1851. His business became a success: his company sold 2,564 machines in 1856, and 13,000 in 1860.
6.Qual é esse tipo de texto?
a.( )um anúncio publicitário.
b.( )um texto informativo- descritivo.
c.( )um verbete de enciclopédia.
d.( )um manual de instruções.
e.( )uma página da internet.
7.Qual é o assunto do texto?
Olá,professora!Sou do 9E.
ExcluirQueria saber se a biografia tem que ser em inglês ou em português msm
BOA NOITE! viviane pode ser em portugues